Math Ed Lab

The Mathematics Education Lab provides an appropriate, attractive learning space, with materials, for teaching pre-service K-12 teachers of mathematics. It is located in Bond Hall 404.

Materials Available

The lab contains a wide range of resource materials specific to mathematics education. These materials include:

  • Text book series used by local schools
  • Resource books filled with ideas for unit plans, replacement lessons, and complementary learning activities
  • Resource books on specific topics such as problem solving, assessment, the history of mathematics, pedagogy, research, and educational philosophy
  • National Council of Mathematics journals: Teaching Children Mathematics (Pre-K – 8), Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (6 -8), Mathematics Teacher (9 – 14) and Journal of Research in Mathematics Education
  • Mathematics manipulatives such as Multilinks, Base 10 materials, pattern blocks, Miras, Unifix Cubes, and Algebra Lab Gear
  • Classroom support materials such as dice, rulers, meter sticks, compasses, and protractors.

These books, periodicals, and materials are available for all students and teachers using the lab. Limits on the availability of any particular items are determined by the needs of the mathematics education classes being taught.

Using and Borrowing Materials

Materials can be borrowed from the Math Education Lab on a short term basis, in one of these two ways:

  • To Photocopy Materials: Students must sign out the materials on a form (located at front desk) and leave their book carrier as security. Names are checked off when the materials are returned. Photocopy machines are available to students in Bond Hall on the 2nd and 3rd Floors. These machines do not take cash, but the library does have photocopy machines that accept coins.
  • To Use Materials For A Practicum Lesson: Students must fill out a form (located at front desk) and have the appropriate course instructor sign it. The lab assistant will organize the requested materials, plus check them both in and out.

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Hours of Operation

The hours for the Mathematics Education Lab are dependent on both the classes being taught in the lab and the scheduling of support personnel such as the lab supervisor and work-study students. They are posted on the door.