Jacob Price

Jacob Price

University of Washington
, BH 225


A Novel Renormalized Mori-Zwanzig Method for Model Reduction

Numerical and analytical simulation methods that capitalize on multiscale structures, both spatial and temporal, have often been used to reduce the dimensionality of high dimensional systems. The Mori-Zwanzig formalism is the general framework for multiscale methods that incorporates a memory term. In this talk, I present a novel approach for constructing a closed reduced order model by approximating the memory term using a renormalization-inspired method. This new approach uses fewer assumptions than other popular models based on the Mori-Zwanzig formalism. This model is applied to the Korteweg-de Vries equation with small dispersion. The renormalization process reveals startling structure including algebraic time dependence and incomplete similarity in the renormalization coefficients. Furthermore, the results are suggestive of a comprehensive understanding of the role memory plays in reduced order models.